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Grab a fresh-baked dozen and make your Halloween morning terrifyingly tasty! 

Here’s how to do it: 


 On a chocolate frosted donut

  1. With a white gel icing pen, draw 6 straight lines, spaced around the donut like spokes on a wheel. 
  2.  Working close to the center donut hole, connect each of the lines with a curved line to make a web-like shape.  
  3.  Repeat with a second set of curved lines close to the outer edge of the donut. 

On a white frosted donut: 

  1. With a black gel icing pen, draw 6 straight lines, spaced around the donut like spokes on a wheel. 
  2.  Working close to the center donut hole, connect each of the lines with a curved line to make a web-like shape.  
  3.  Repeat with a second set of curved lines close to the outer edge of the donut. 

Spooky Cat 

 On a Boston cream filled donut: 

  1. With a white gel icing pen, draw:
    1. 2 upside down V's for ears
    2. 2 oval shapes for eyes
    3. 1 upside down triangle for a nose
    4. 2 lines on each side of the nose for whiskers
  2. With a green icing pen, fill in the white eye shapes so they "glow".
  3. With a black icing pen, draw dots on the eyes for pupils.


On an orange frosted donut: 

  1. With a black gel icing pen, draw 2 triangles for eyes and a crooked line for a mouth. 
  2.  Top with a small green gumdrop for the stem.


Bonus tip!  

 Can’t find orange frosted donuts? Use a plain cake donut and make your own orange glaze. 

 Mix 1 cup powdered sugar with 1-2 tablespoons milk until the sugar dissolves and no lumps remain. Stir in 1–2 drops orange food coloring, adding more as needed to get the desired color. 

 Brush the glaze onto the donut and let sit for 1 hour to harden before decorating. 


Happy Halloween! 

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